So I didn't keep my pepper thing going. I've got bigger fish to fry. I am behind on my Sisterhood of the Traveling Sketchbooks project so I had better try to stay focused on it. We are supposed to send out our books by the end of the month and ooops... that is tomorrow! Oy! This is my gig too, I am so bad. Anyway, I'll get back to my pepper pastels next week I hope.
This is the cover to my sketchbook. Soooo... what the heck is it? I went totally blank on myself as to what to put on the cover. I kept seeing everyone's fantastic pages and covers going up and I'm thinking Oh sh!t, what am I going to do? So I started piddling around with my new acrylics and had no idea what I was doing. I ended up seeing in my head one of my most favorite places to be... under water! I love to snorkel and this reminded me of underwater plants, so I added some freaky little fish tonight and voila! It is said that the best way to learn something is to do it, but there is something to be said about having some instruction too. I love the paintbrush in my hand though, the smell of the paints, mixing colors and a gorgeous palette. I'm hooked. So much to do, so little time.
I am also in midst of selling my heirloom tomato plants and painted my signs tonight. It is technically Thursday night here since I've not gone to bed yet :) Even they were fun with a paint brush.
To find out about the Paint Party Friday fun, click on the side bar and see all the talented artists posting there. REally good stuff.
Happy Paint Party Friday! Oh, and I turned 41 today (the 28th). whoopee. not even a damn card from my hubs.