Today is the last day of November and good riddance I say. Well, maybe I'm being too harsh. Actually November turned out to be pretty warm and uneventful except for the fact that I had 4 medical like appointments all in November. The first was a trip to the dentist for check up and to hear the dreaded and expected news that I needed another stinkin crown on my tooth. Apparently it just can't hold any more filler. Bummer. There goes another $500+. So the second trip was of course to have that baby ground down while I smell and see smoke coming out of my mouth! Then the dentist replaces my nub of a tooth with a temporary crown, also known as a QUARTER! this thing feels gigantic!
So my then on to my 3rd trip which was a routine check up including fasting and bloodwork to the family doctor. Ugh. I must have him worried because he asked if I thought that I needed any medication (!? what???! Shoot yeah!) ... and also wants another appointment to see him (read: pay for his condo in Kaui) in December.
Then the final appointment and the most dreaded was my annual and ladies, we all know what that term means. Double ugh. Now add insult to injury... I am now at that age that I must be flattened like a pancake! Yes, the awful mammogram is just a phone call and yet another appointment away. Did I mention that I was seemingly out of my mind today when I made dinner before my "annual"? I didn't? well I was, because I somehow thought that today would be a great day for no other fine stew like substance... CHILI! with beans. Need I say more?
"This Artists Observations of the Day"
Feeling of the day: poked and prodded
I'm grateful for: leftover pumpkin pie
I am wearing: mismatched clothing
I thought about today: getting older and all the darn dr appointments!
I miss: my son falling asleep in my arms as a baby
Best thing I did today: Not lose my mind in Sears while son knocked down all clothing while hiding in racks.
Today I visited: Sassmowth Designs
Love this photo! Beautiful girl and very annoyed gorgeous cat!! Yes, I can relate to all those medical type appointments! I had to add thyroid checkups to my list as of last year! I fear that list will get longer as I age! I'm not looking forward to December as it is the first "anniversary" of my mother's passing, but I never really enjoyed Christmas as much as other folks seem to. Have a good week and stay well!.....Janette